Meet your new squad members including a couple who are endurance sport addicts, hooked on ultra-marthons to Ironman events; a super athlete aiming for a sub 5 at Husky, a student pilot who hopes to fly into a Kona spot before he turns 80 and find out how the other Ellie Smithโ€™s love of cycling started.

Glen Lockwood

Glen Lockwood
Endurance sport junkie Glen Lockwood tried triathlon after years of running, which included completing 60 ultra marathons!

โ€œI was looking for a change, as Belinda started doing triathlons, it just seemed the right time to give it a go,โ€ he said.

He played rugby league and cricket up until he got married and started a family.

โ€œI had a brief period of running in the early 90s but found it difficult to fit in with a young family. I started running again when I turned 40 as I had put on a lot of weight due to inactivity. Since then, I have run 61 marathons and 60 ultra marathons.โ€

Highlights have been Coast to Kosci, Badwater 135, Western States 100, Comrades Marathon and the London Marathon.

His goal is to improve his time from last yearโ€™s Ironman Australia (14:31) by an hour.

Post race he likes to chill at home watching rugby league and cricket as well as spending time with the family.


Wissam Salama
Wissam Salamaโ€™s first tri was a corporate triathlon in 2013.

Wissam Salama โ€œI loved running off the bike and I love training as it clears my head and releases my stress,โ€ he said.

His sporting achievements include:

  •  C2S 2015, 56 mins
  •  Port Stephen triathlon (Olympic โ€“ duathlon April 2015), 2:05
  •  Western Sydney 70.3, Nov 2014, 5:42
  •  Port Macquarie 70.3, Oct 2014, 6:08
  •  Blackmore Marathon, Sep 2014, 3:33
  •  Townsville marathon, August 2013, 4:13

The ultra fit athlete does gym sessions, Pilates and yoga as well as the swim, bike, run and brick sessions.

His next race is Husky Long Course where he aims to go sub 5 then Cairns Ironman with a target time of sub 11.

When heโ€™s not training or racing he likes to go to the beach, read, travel, walk in national park and go to the movies – when itโ€™s raining.

Chris Quirk
Chris Quirk started racing to join his old man in a duathlon series in Auckland in the 90’s.

Chris Quirk

โ€œIt was the duathlon’s spot prize draw that I entered for but that changed into racing for the race pretty quickly,โ€ he said

Chris raced triathlons, duathlons and equations in high school.

โ€œI raced in the High School Nationals and some of the National Series races at sprint distance. During uni other things took priority and I fell out of fitness and gained 20kg.

โ€œOnce uni finished I decided to do longer distance IM races. I entered the Kona lottery and got a place in 2011 which gave me six months to lose weight, get ready and complete a 70.3 to confirm the entry. Yeppoon was the only one left in Australia that season so it was a do or die situation.

โ€œI managed to limp through Yeppoon 70.3 and then raced Kona in 11 hrs, 45mins, not too bad for a first IM. I’ve been racing 70.3s and full IM ever since, fastest 70.3 is 4hrs, 44mins (Auckland 2014) and fastest full is 10hrs, 35mins (Taupo 2014).โ€

He took the 2014/2015 season very lightly so is beginning a return to form for the 2016/17 racing season!.
โ€œIโ€™m starting off slow and building up distance at the moment.

โ€œMy goals are faster IM and 70.3 racing. I’d like to attempt a Kona qualification at some stage (maybe when I’m in the 70+ age group).โ€

He is currently focused on getting through the Cairns 70.3 and then attempting a sub 10hrs IM.

When not racing he likes playing with gadgets and learning new things.

โ€œI am also a very social person who gets edgy if I’m cooped up in the house too long. I enjoy Scuba diving and am training (early stages) for a private pilots licence.โ€

Ellie Smith
Ellie was always a runner, then four-years-ago someone gave her their old bike.

Ellie Smith
โ€œMy love of cycling began and with some persuasion, I started my non-love affair with swimming and I’ve never looked back!โ€

Currently, she is mainly cycling, doing Pilates and boot camps.

โ€œI’m focusing on Three Peaks and getting my leg better from a running injury.

Her goal races are Three Peaks and maybe a half ironman later this year.

When not in lycra she likes hanging out with friends and travelling.



Belinda Lockwood
Belinda Lockwood got into triathlon after an accident stopped her running.

Belinda Lockwood
โ€œA friend suggested I start squad swimming. It happened to be with a triathlon group and it all followed on from there.โ€

She got into sport as a very late bloomer. No sport for 40 years then running.

โ€œThrough the encouragement of my husband I went on to run 100 mile distance in trail running.โ€

She also does Pilates and yoga to complement her triathlon training.

Her goal race is Ironman Australia May 2016, which she would like to do in 13 1/2 hours.

โ€œAnd a few other secret ones Iโ€™ve got my eye on.โ€

โ€œHonestly the only thing I have time for between training and working is trying to cook healthy interesting power food for my family and cleaning the house.โ€

One of the highlights of her triathlon career was In 2014 she completed an Olympic distance in the Canary Islands.

โ€œThe bike course was so scenic, windy and hilly. But so much fun.โ€


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