Our very own Coach Phil Cross is now certified as an NLP Master Practitioner and Meta-Coach – this means he has the skills, tools and capabilities to work with you on an often overlooked aspect of training and racing… your mental game!

We will now open up Performance Mindset Coaching to the first group of athletes on coached programs, all as part of your existing plan and at no extra cost.

The plan will run for three months and will involve 2 x 45 minute sessions each month, specifically geared towards whatever aspect of your mental game is getting in the way of your goals.

Numbers for this initial group are limited to five athletes and selection will be on both a ‘first come first served’ basis, but also contingent on an intake/screening process which will look at:

  1. Readiness for change and coaching – working on your interior can be hard… as hard as the physical training we do (if getting over our mental limiters was easy none of us would have any issues!) and not everyone is in a place where they are ready and willing to look at what’s going on for them.

b) Suitability for coaching – coaching in generative work (i.e. helping high potential individuals achieve greatness) and is not remedial (which is more the domain of therapy).

c) Coach / coachee fit – not every coach is right for every coachee, and vice versa. So this is an opportunity for both parties to see if it’s the right personality fit for them.

d) Coachable goals – In the intake session we will get to the heart of your goals, understand why they are compelling for you, what the steps and processes you need to achieve them are, and where a coach can add value.

You all put so many hours of focus and dedication into your training, nutrition, recovery and planning – this is your chance to apply the same focus to your mindset. So if you struggle with motivation, negative self-talk during races, or perhaps there is something holding you back that you can’t quite put your finger on – we can help.

If you would like more details contact Phil on 0499 287 873 or [email protected] or Danny on: 0415 464 374 or [email protected].

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