7 September 2016

Meet Mandi Chau Moore Performance’s Social President

Mandi Chau

Why triathlon?

I started running in January 2015 and developed a tibial stress fracture in both my legs by the end of July. As I couldn’t run or go to the gym I started swimming/drowning and was introduced to a few girls who had just recently picked up the sport. I also worked with a speedy triathlete who encouraged me to buy a bike and give triathlon a go.

What was your first tri? And how did your performance compare to now?

It was a sprint at Kurnell in January this year. I raced Gwen Jorgensen in the next Kurnell race. She only beat me by about 30 minutes (omfg), but I knocked three minutes off my first attempt.

What was your best race? 

Finishing Busso 70.3 in May 2016, was definitely a huge achievement for me. I was just a fraction off my goal times that I’d set for myself in all three legs. Spending the weekend away with others who had the same goals and wanted to eat dinner at 5.30pm was all part of the fun!

My first half marathon was the SMH in 2015 where I ran 2 hours 6 minutes. I wasn’t all that happy with not having run sub 2, so signed up for Gold Coast the next day, and about 6 weeks later I knocked 7 minutes off my time to finish in 1.59.06.

Mandi Chau run

What do you put this significant improvement down to?

Being consistent in training is definitely the key. Unfortunately I’ve had my fair share of injuries since starting. Perhaps a case of overworking myself because I enjoy it so much!

Lessons learnt?

Rest is just as important as training. Also, you don’t need to smash yourself in every session to reap benefits from the workout.

What’s your favourite meal pre-race? 

At home it’s roast salmon, sweet potato, brown rice, and a small amount of broccoli. If I’m away it’s a vegetarian pizza with chicken.

What are your nutrition tips during a race?

I’m about to give away all my secrets…

I’m no expert, and planned my nutrition based on advice from my triathlete colleague. Its worked for me as I’ve had no stomach issues to date!

For a 70.3 distance:

–          Shotz Cola gel 30 minutes pre race

–          Then another gel on the commute to T1

On the bike

–          Half a bottle of tailwind nutrition every 30 minutes (approximately 150 calories per 300mL). If I need more than two bottles then I’ll have gels, every 30 minutes, with a bottle of water on the course to wash them down.

–          Chopped up cliff bars if I’m hungry (only had two little squares during Busso Half Ironman)


–          a gel in T2 then every 30 minutes on the run

Mandi Chau swim at Busso

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set?

I really enjoy seeing everyone in the morning before we get going with the training, so that makes it pretty easy to get up.

Most sets are pretty gruelling for me as I need to work hard just to keep up with the rest of the pack!

What is your favourite ride/run/swim?

I love Akuna bay. It’s soooooo pretty.

My fav run is a solo two hour jog on a weekend. I’m also a fan of interval sessions where we get a generous rest period, such as a monthly 3km (off 20 mins), 2km (off 15 mins), 1km efforts around the field at Robertson Road which allows me to see improvements over those distances.

Have you had to overcome any injuries and how did you do it?

Since my stress fractures, I’ve only been able to run twice a week. I recently saw a Sports Doctor about it and will hopefully be able to pick up the frequency.

I also recently banged my left knee into a bollard outside Robbo Road gates which is still causing a few issues, so unfortunately I’ve had to ease back on the riding as well.

Memorable quote/catchphrase?

Consistency is key.

Why do you like training with Danny / Moore Performance squad? 

I loooooove training with Danny and the MP squad! Danny is like a huge loveable bear.

The pink and black kit matches both of my bikes.

I especially like the post ride brunch/coffee on Saturdays.

The range in ability in the squad ensures you always have someone to train with. I also enjoy the smaller races that Danny strategically dots along the training plan which then provides an opportunity for post race coffee and or pies.

What did you do before triathlon?

Before I started running in Jan 2015, I did HIIT programs for a couple of years at a gym in Coogee. Before that I dabbled in Les Mills Body Attack, Body Pump and Pilates. I can show you some killer Body Attack moves if you want to incorporate some jazzercise into your triathlon training *leotards not included.

Which athletes inspire you?

I have such a girl crush on Jess Trengove. What a babe. So zippy over marathon distance! Gwen Jorgensen is also up there. She is on such an incredible winning streak at the moment.

What you like to do post-race celebrations? 

Once I’ve packed up my gear and headed home, you’ll often find me sitting on the floor downing a bag of cheezels while I Instagram the pre race photos, check strava, and race results #partyanimal.

What’s your ideal weekend?

Slow long run, followed by either a shower or brunch in no particular order, a nap, pool or ocean swim, then dinner. Mates included.

Congratulations on being appointed MP’s Social President.

What are your plans for this role?

To organise a monthly social get together. Hopefully we can get a good showing at these events! We’ll visit a few different pubs along the way. Every three months or so we’ll head somewhere for Adventure Sundays!

You might catch me at some of the local events that I’m not participating in to take photos, so make sure you’ve got your best race face on!


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