Sebastian Gallery shares his triathlon secrets including the truth about secret recipes and that the people in MP make the starts with a four in front of the clock worth it.


Seb competing at Husky

Can you tell us something funny about you we don’t know?

I’m living proof that you should eat your vegetables when you are growing up.

What was your first tri? How does that race compare to now? 

I raced tri as a junior and then had a 17 year hiatus, so after my break my first tri was Sunshine Coast 70.3 in 2013.

What was your best race?

My best race so far was IM Melbourne 2015 with a 10.22 PB

What do you put this significant improvement down to?

Training consistently, perseverance and mental strength whilst racing.

Lessons learnt? 

Everyone is different there is no secret recipe to success other than putting the time and experience into your training. This includes nutrition everyone’s body is different so it’s about trial and error as to what will work best for you.

How was Worlds in Chicago? 

The experience was incredible, the atmosphere was amazing, the build up through training and the legends from MP (Marnie, Renee, Nikki and Rich) that I got to share it with was awesome. Unfortunately I got food poisoning the day before so my race was far from optimal.

How was the overseas trip?

It was great, I also raced 70.3 Santa Cruz where I got an AG 16th and I also competed in a reverse sprint in Arizona where I got third overall and second in AG.

What’s your next goal race? 

70.3 Ballarat in Dec. It will by much flatter than Santa Cruz!

What’s your favourite meal pre-race? What are your nutrition tips?

I always have grilled chicken and avocado on toast, a good mix of carbs fats and protein. Don’t take nutrition tips from anyone, trial and error your own.

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set? 

I’m pretty competitive so it’s usually about trying to keep up or turn the screws in. Living on the dark side I usually get up with a 4 in front of the clock, that never has and never will be easy! But if you want to achieve your goals you’ve got to do the work, lack of sleep is the payoff!

What is your favourite ride/run?

My favourite ride is West head, what a view! My favourite run is Bondi to Coogee coastal return, best view in so many different ways.

Have you had to overcome any injuries and how did you do it?:

I had ITB troubles in the past, if you go to a physio and actually do the exercises recommended it’s amazing how it works out.

Why do you train with Danny / Moore Performance? 

Danny is a fantastic, caring coach to his athletes. I have never felt like a number and believe wholeheartedly that he takes an interest in my improvement. The MP crew are freaking awesome too such a great group of people both in ability and personality, there are so many wankers in triathlon, luckily MP is a wanker free zone.

What did you do before Triathlon? 

I was a runner and coached a bit of running here and there.

What you like to do post-race celebrations?

Get very loose!

Seb and friends


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