Another great weekend with MP taking on the 25km and 43km TT at Calga.

A couple had issues with their alarm clocks and didn’t make the start line, but the rest of the crew crushed it with many PBs and great debuts. Paddy had the fastest time and put it down to his new slimmer body through cake limiting (and a shed load of training since returning from Ireland)

Some great performances and just waiting for the results. Well done to Nadia, Timmy, Paddy, Di, Chris & Pete for their first Calga TT’s.

Also to Dave, Will & Fiona who all got PB’s.

I had a crack at the 25km, was feeling under the weather and just couldnt face the 43k yesterday. So running late an no warm up I really had to try and hold back and somehow managed to pace it better than usual and managed to put a semi decent ride together. Will be looking for a good 2 mins improvement over the 25km in 2017, so lets see how that goes.

For those who haven’t done this race, check out the elevation of the course, this much climbing doesnt suit me but I love the challenge.

Until next month


My Power file


The Crew


The roads arent closed, but not much traffic so we are good to go!


3rd PB! go Fiona


Chris had a great first effort 1.11 is FAST


Nadia had a solid debut


Will wasnt feeling too well, went out easier and managed a PB. Shows the positive effect of good pacing


Paddy was super fast, just imagine if he was Aero


Yes they had to run after the ride




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