Keith has had to overcome astounding odds to excel as an athlete after suffering from a massive heart attack and is an all around nice guy as well.

How was 3Peaks?

Training for 3 Peaks started at the SBR camp in early January where we clocked several long hilly rides.ย  Since then the endurance has significantly improved as we are getting faster!!

Whatโ€™s your next goal race?

Edinburgh Marathon in May.

Update: Keith finished the marathon in 3’03”.

What was your best race?ย 

Berlin Marathon 2015, my first fun run 21 months post heart attack.

What do you put this significant improvement down to?

Nutrition ย Nutritionย  Nutritionย  Nutritionย  Nutritionย  Nutrition

Whatโ€™s your favourite meal pre-race?ย 

A bowl of pasta and Greek yogurt with fruit for desert the night before

What are your nutrition tips during a race?

For the longer races eating small amounts every 20-30 mins is the key. In the marathon I always start with a banana, I hate carrying it so Iโ€™m โ€˜forcedโ€™ to eat it within the first 20 mins and it sets the nutrition plan up nicely for the rest of the race.

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set?

Iโ€™d find it hard to get up if it werenโ€™t for having a great group of likeminded people to train with.ย The MP crew keep you accountable if you skip too many sessions ?

What is your favourite ride?

My favourite ride would be the Akuna Bay loop in Ku-ring-gai National Park, it has everything challenging climbs rewarded with breathtaking scenery minimal car traffic and plenty of options to extend the ride.

Have you had to deal with any health issues and how did you overcome them?

Despite having no obvious risk factors and no prior family history I had a massive heart attack four years ago, I put my survival down to several factors:

1)ย ย ย ย  A world class medical team based at Sydneyโ€™s Royal North Shore Hospital that beat some pretty ordinary odds to put me back together and give me a second chance.

2)ย ย ย ย  Having a base level of fitness

3)ย ย ย ย  A huge amount of luck

Having a heart attack and being fortunate to have survived it has undoubtedly been a life changing experience, but surprisingly in a good way in that I have gained a far better appreciation of life and I would like to think that I have become a better and more balanced person as a result.

Read more about Keith’s participation in theย Medtronic Foundationโ€™s Global Heroes program which celebrates runners from around the world who benefited from medical technology.

And see his 3 Peaks race report here.

Memorable quote/catchphrase:

โ€œThe pain wonโ€™t last forever, but the memories will,” Johnno Young told John Maclean as he battled to become the first paraplegic to complete the Hawaiian Ironman

โ€œLife Runs Onโ€ โ€“ Medtronic Foundation

Why do you like training with Danny / Moore Performance squad?ย 

Danny knows his stuff and is pretty laid back, which creates a fun environment that attracts a collective of amazing people all just as crazy as myself that I love being around.

What did you do before triathlon?

Iโ€™ve always been sporty, at school it was rugby and rowing then I got into running towards the end of Uni. It wasnโ€™t until I moved to Australia that I started swimming (badly) and then triathlon came callingโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Which athletes inspire you?

John Maclean and Craig Alexander

What you like to do post-race celebrations?ย 

Dinner and a couple of beers with my training buddies.

Whatโ€™s your ideal weekend?ย 

An early start for ride on the bike or run, coffee with the crew bit of beach time, followed by a nice dinner out with friends, then repeat.

If you could be anywhere right now in the world where would that be?

Trekking in Nepal, or relaxing in Byron Bay.

Whatโ€™s something about you we didnโ€™t know before?

I love getting out the city for a bit of 4WDโ€™ing and camping.

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