Here’s a recap of the 2017 MP award winners:

“Moore Performer” (Clubman of the Year)

Dave Neville

MP Swimmers of the Year

Rachelle Johnston and Pete Gillis

Triathlon Champs

Short Course

Zoe Pedashenko

Mid Distance

Jimmy Byrne

Long Course

Sam King

Consistency Award

Mel Peto

TTT Champs

Team Iceland –  Tim Curry, Maarten Holsboer, David Williams, Sam King

16 km TT Champs

Zoe Pedashenko and Maarten Holsboer

Hot Lap 

Zoe Pedashenko, Maarten Holsboer and Sam King

Most Improved 

Mitch Wales

Most impressive crash 

Mike Barrett

Cuore Consistency award 

Chris Quirk

Most Aero 

Pete Gillis, Chris Horn, Jay Luke and Jason Eady

MP Running Champion

Anne-Marie Howarth

Sweaty Mexican Award

Roberto Nungaray

Break Through Performance

Susie Wilkinson with about 6 weeks of training does Western Sydney 70.3 in 5.01 and runs a 1.34!

Emma Brown time keeping award 

Mark Baker

Show pony award for seeking attention


Special mentions:

The JK & Bevo most Rattled award

Jason Eady

Never reads MP comms awards – where is everyone?  

Beckie Petulla

Never late to work/training

Molly Taylor

FOMO award 

Eva Van Drumpt


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