Find out how the man whose back even has a six pack went at his second triathlon race ever – the full Ironman in Port Macquarie.

How was your first Ironman race in Port Macquarie?

Very tough! I struggled on the bike leg during the second half and I was nowhere near the time I was after (not bad for my second triathlon ever!) but it definitely was a huge learning experience for my next Ironman!

The event itself was fantastic, one of the best things I have done – great to see everyone out there smashing it and supporting! I will cherish this day forever.

Shoji over the finish line

Why triathlon?

Well it was more the case of ‘Why Ironman?’ – The challenge of the un-achievable!

What was your first tri? And how did your performance compare to now?

My first Triathlon was in february this year at Husky Long Course – I was quite happy with the result but again a huge learning curve!

What was your best race?

Out of the two triathlons I have done I would have to say the Husky Long Course was a better result but in terms of experience the full Ironman was an extraordinary experience.

Whatโ€™s your favourite meal pre-race? 


What are your nutrition tips during a race?โ€จ

Don’t eat too much and practice your diet plan over and over again with the distances you are going to race.

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set?

I am motivated by the goal I set myself for a certain time or to finish an Ironman.


What is your favourite ride/run/ or swim?

The Wisemens Ferry ride is awesome and the Royal National Park! The run at track night (I love beating Bevo) and swimming at Bondi Beach.

Memorable quote:

“Shoji your back even has a six packโ€, said Will Nearly one night at track whilst I was sweating profusely.


Why do you like training with Danny / Moore Performance squad?

Not only a group of people with an extremely high work ethic but also such a nice bunch of people at Moore performance!

What did you do before triathlon?

Rugby, surfing, sky diving and military training.

Which athletes inspire you?

Not to be corny or anything but the athletes at Moore Performance inspire me!

What you like to do post-race celebrations?

Eat lots of Maccas and start drinking again.

Whatโ€™s your ideal weekend?

Hanging out at the beach or sailing – being near the water.

If you could be anywhere right now in the world where would that be?

Sailing a boat around Croatia.

Whatโ€™s something about you we didnโ€™t know before?
I was in the army for six years (with overseas deployments) and I was a regular sky diver (now I enjoy my sky diving in a wind tunnel).

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