It was a cold start to the morning but some hot efforts today, with Ben (road bike) and Computa returning to have another hit out in the monthly TT. I was also keen to test myself having recovered from collarbone surgery and knowing how important it is to test and understand where your fitness is, I had a nice hit out.

Computa takes out the win, while his disc wheel snapped in half during the TT! ย Elle takes the female victory.

Well done to everyone and until next week.

16km TT May 16

I really wasn’t confident that I could do anything much and even trying to hold back I dropped 9% power in the second half of the ride.

You can see the drop off in the screen shots below, but even though it was way off my best i’m happy to get a line in the sand and will base my new intervals off a 303 FTP and 162PBM FTHR.

So to find 37-47 watts and to drop 15kgs by December for ironman, Watch out Jan 17 TT!

16km TT #1

16km TT #2


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