Louise is part of the Moore Performance undergrad program!

What have you learned from the Moore Performance undergrad program? 
The program has been a great introduction to cycling, skills and etiquette, and to train with people of a comparable level

How did you find the undergrad program prepare you for riding in a pack?
It is something we do in training frequently so good

What was your first race or training session like?
Iโ€™ve only competed in one race โ€“ Port Stephens.  Aside from getting lost on the way there (easily done โ€“ Google maps can get it wrong, or maybe it was the navigator!), I really enjoyed it. Great atmosphere, and super supporters โ€“ thanks MPerโ€™s!

How does your performance compare now?
Iโ€™m just back from holidays so probably not the best question to answer given the amount of carb loading in Europe but will get back into it

Congratulations on your performance at Port Stephens. How was the race?
Thank you. I really enjoyed it. It was a really good start for me, and gave me an understanding of whatโ€™s expected, the cumulative effects of the legs, and how to improve. As I mentioned, the support was incredible and much appreciated.

How to keep motivated to get up at 5am in winter or finish a gruelling set?
The undergrad group is a special crew. There is great camaraderie and support, and that combined with Fi giving us a good workout means you rock up

Favourite training session or ride/trail run?
Sydney is a beautiful place and I feel very fortunate to live close to Centennial Park. A round of the park is always good for the soul

Have you had to overcome any injuries โ€“ how?
Thankfully no, and letโ€™s try keep it that way

Memorable quote/catchphrase?
Stay up on that wheel!

Why coach with Danny / Moore Performance crew?
Friends referred me and were very able to advise on the various benefits to training with Danny and the crew, which were especially helpful for me as a beginner

What did you do before Triathlon? As in exercise?
Tennis and yoga would be the main ones

What Athletes inspire you?
Roger Federer โ€“ the skill, the drive, the competitiveness, the poise, the manโ€ฆ

What you like to do post-race celebrations? Rest day?
A nice dinner and red wine with loved ones is always a treat.