Find out the secrets to Niki’s PB times.

How was your race in Port Mac?

Port Mac is a great race, with a lot of history for me. This was my third time racing it. It was meant to be the race with no injury. As we all know plans change as I had two cycle crashes within four months, one of those three weeks out. I was determined to not let this set me back and do the best I could! I ended up having a great race. I had to readjust my expectations on times due to the strong over 20km winds but I was stoked with my overall performance – a 7min PB on the course and  getting a PB in each leg!

Emma Cameron and I said goodbye to my family and Shane and headed to the swim – the race had started off well. The self-seeding start made it very enjoyable with less pressure. The swim was smooth, and I really enjoyed it. I was greeted out of the water from MPers and family and a PB time. I ran up the stairs and cramp was threatening, โ€˜oh noโ€™,. a run went to a walk and it subsided.

I got onto the bike and Dannyโ€™s voice was in my head saying โ€œdonโ€™t go too hard on the hills at the start!โ€.  Five minutes into the ride I find myself riding with Bevo, Paula, Katie and Jon. It was so much fun seeing the crew! Off they all went in front of me and it took everything in my mind not to not rush off after them and to ride my own race. I reached half way and Keithy appears with a big smile! It was so much fun seeing all of MPers on the bike. We hit the turnaround back into town and I knew this was where my strength lies. I slowly caught back up with some of the MPers from the start to finish with a PB ride.

Then to the run – we all know this is my pain point. I start off at a comfortable pace and just hope I can keep it up. 4 km in I see Emma with a massive smile on her face looking so strong and fresh. I donโ€™t think it will be long to I see her again! Anyway I struggle though the run at a slower pace than desired, with a few to many walks, but I saw that finish line and I couldnโ€™t of been more happy! You did it for the 5th time, you are a 70.3 Ironman!! YEOW!! I got my goal of sub 6 hours, I was stoked!!!

Next was a quick shower, a meal, a cider and straight back on the course to see the rest of the crew finish! A great day all around! Congratulations to all that raced and thank you for all the support! 

Why did you decide on that goal?

My goal was to get sub 6 hours, I managed a 5h58min. I set the goal as I have never broken 6 hours. I was hoping it was achievable with the windy conditions and boom, I got it! 

What was your first tri? And how did your performance compare to now?

 My first 70.3 was at Port Mac in 2017. This was my first race post my ACL knee reconstruction. I managed a 6h5min race and was pretty happy with my result. My performance had improved on each leg.

Whatโ€™s your next goal race?

To do a 5h50m with an emphasis on reducing my run time. I would love to get a 2h 5-2h10 half marathon as my best time has been 2h22. Running has not been my strong point and injures keep impacting my run training. 

What was your best race? 

 My best race was Forster 2km swim / 60km ride and 15km run, eight weeks before Port Mac Half Ironman. It was a great indication race of how I would do in Port. I had a fast bike average and did the best run off the bike I had ever done. It was a great race with good results making me excited to head into Port!

What do you put this significant improvement down to?

 Consistency in training and not being injured!

Lessons learnt?:

Keep trying, and do not give up!  

Whatโ€™s your favourite meal pre-race? 

 Chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli

What are your nutrition tips during a race?

–        Practice your nutrition in training before you race with it.

–        Do not eat to many gels, and once you start on high sugar, do not let it deplete.

–        Stay hydrated

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set?

 Seeing the rest of MP. I would not do what I do without my friends in MP. You are the ones that make me get up!

What is your favourite ride/run/ or swim eg Akuna Bay/West Head ride?

 I love doing the north 3 gorges ride every so often Oh and I canโ€™t forget the love hate relationship with the DR Evil Kangaroo Valley ride!!! Jamberoo โ€“ OUCH

Have you had to overcome any injuries and how did you do it?:

 Have I what.. I overcome them by listening to the physio, strengthen my areas of weakness and listening to my body.

Memorable motivational quote/catchphrase:

Mazโ€™s โ€œgot pump it up songโ€ 

Why do you like training with Danny / Moore Performance squad? 

Danny has created something very special. He has brought a group of likeminded people together and created friendships that will last a lifetime. Danny brings his skill and knowledge and passes it through to all of us. I like training with MP for the friendships and seeing new places around Australia.

What did you do before triathlon?

Not a lotโ€ฆ  netball and the odd run.

Which athletes inspire you?

 My sisterโ€ฆ Amanda Clark! She has the will and determination to get ironman done. I still do not know how she does this. She is a true inspiration and I would not be doing triathlon without her! Thanks Sis!

What you like to do post-race celebrations? 

 Sit in the sun with my wine and watch the rest of the 70.3s and full ironmans come in!!

Whatโ€™s your ideal weekend?

Wine, and camps with MP 

Whatโ€™s something about you we didnโ€™t know before?

 I have lived in five countries!

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