What was your first tri? How does that race compare to now?
My fist tri was an Elite Energy Sprint Distance in March in 2014. I did it in 1:32 on nothing but CrossFit training and the odd swim. That race compared to now, feels like a lifetime ago! I remember being so scared but now I love doing the odd sprint tri to incorporate as part of my training for longer distance races. I have realised that sprint distance is not my strength. I much prefer Standard / Olympic distance or longer as I am not a sprinter at all.

What was your best race?
My best race to date would have been the Elite Energy Wollongong Olympic distance tri. I had a PB in every leg and was just a nice race with good conditions many MPers on the course. My favourite race would have to be Cairns though โ€“ nothing can beat the feeling finishing your first 70.3!

What do you put this significant improvement down to?
I have been training with the Moore Performance crew consistently since October. My improvement is mostly on the bike and this is due to turning up to nearly every Tue/Thurs and Sat ride over the past 8 months. Danny and Tonyโ€™s coaching along with the support of the crew I ride with have helped me fall in love with riding which keeps me super motivated. Lisa also got my swimming up to speed and completely changed my swim stroke. I love the variety Lisa offers with the outdoor Red Leaf training. My improvement is also down to my want to get fitter and faster.

Lessons learnt?
To work on my weakness not just my strength! I use to do a lot of running so neglected this as when I started it was my strongest legโ€ฆ. but that was soon over taken by the ride and the swim. So the next 12 weeks I will be RUNNING.

How was Cairns 70.3?
Cairns was amazing. The love and support from our crew was incredible pre, during and post race. I was very lucky to have my parents fly over from NZ to support me as well as my twin sister.ย I loved that I had Grisha there and that we could experience our first 70.3 together with the support of his family too. Even though I was super sick the week of Cairns I took plenty of Day and Night tablets and gave it the best crack I could.

Elle and Kat were there at the swim start so it was great to start the race with some friends. I really enjoyed the swim and almost did not want to get out. I was loving the bike and had a great ride achieving my goal of sub 3 and was super pleased with my nutrition. The run was struggle street for me from as early as 3.7k. I did not know how I was going to get through it but just sucked it up and got it done.

Overall I loved the experience with our crew and was happy to cheer on Nick with a few vinos in my hand thinking to myself, one day this will be meโ€ฆ..

Whatโ€™s the next goal race?
70.3 Sunshine Coast in 12 weeks!! Im super excited to get a sub 6 and improve significantly on the run.

Whatโ€™s your favourite meal pre-race?
Chicken, broccoli and sweet potato is the standard pre race meal.

What are your nutrition tips during the 70.3 event?
Keep up your nutrition on the bike and donโ€™t try anything new race day โ€“ unless its COKE! Then go for it โ€“ cause its awesome. In Cairns I went through 5 bottles on the bike, 1x cliff bar and 2 gels and felt really good nutrition wise.

How do you keep motivated to get up at 5am or finish a gruelling set?
I keep motivated knowing that my friends will be there to share the experience with me and that if I donโ€™t go others will be improving without me. I also am very competitive against myself. I plan to do an Ironman next year so I know that I really need a strong base which will only come if I keep hitting the 5am work outs.

What is your favourite ride/run?
My favourite ride would have to be West Head and Akuna Bay. Grisha and I go out there often for a safe hit out where we know we will get challenged with the hills.

Have you had to overcome any injuries and how did you do it?
I overcame a very painful hip injury that I had from running for years. Danny recommended Nick Torrance at Balance and Motion, with his excellent work and guidance to attend a running clinic I have changed my running style and the pain never came back.  #miracleworker

Why do you train with Danny / Moore Performance?
Initially it was to learn how to ride a bike and learn all things triathlon. Now I train with Danny and the crew because they are such great people who all have a similar interests and are incredibly supportive of each other.  #MPLOVE

What did you do before Triathlon?
CrossFit was favourite sport. I do miss aspects of it. Especially the weight lifting.

What Athletes inspire you?
The athletes I train with who are just normal people like me trying to juggle a life, work, family and friends as well as training for a triathlon.

What you like to do post-race celebrations? Rest day?
Our ritual post race is the Coles Peanut Butter ice cream. If you have not had it โ€“ DONโ€™T because you will never want to stop eating it! After the ice cream and drinks I take a couple of days off to rest and drink some vinos with friends!

I just wanted to say thank you to you all who have helped me on my journey to complete my first half ironman. I look froward to many more and the journey to the real deal! #Busso2016