Early Bird discount $100 before 5th January 2024


Training Camp in Bright is officially open for registrations!

Arrive Saturday 2nd, checking out on Friday 8th March 2024

We return to Bright for our 3rd Camp in the Victorian Alps. Again we will stay at the wonderful Bright Chalet for the camp and this is ideal week for those taking on Port and/or Cairns Ironmans, or simply for those looking to take their fitness onto the next level.

Through the week we will be taking on all the major peaks in the area, plus some beautiful scenic flatter routes for some of the best riding you will ever do.

Level Up


The camp is designed to be a fun & challenging week with plenty of opportunity to improve your fitness, knowledge and skills.

  • Dates โ€“ Arrive Saturday 2nd, checking out on Friday 8th March 2024.
  • Travel โ€“ The drive is really easy, however, it’s further than Jindabyne, but its literally 110kph Freeway 90+% of the way. I would recommend that you share the drive to make it nice and easy.

We are so lucky to have found a beautiful Chalet in Bright, yes it’s called Bright Chalet.

Accom is based on twin share.

* Single rooms are available with an additional cost and are limited.

The camp is fully catered,ย Tonyย andย Iย were very impressed with the meal offering and yes I sampled a lot. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is included in the camp.

For more information, please contact us.

Level Up


The camp caters for a wide range of abilities and is aimed at the intermediate to advanced athlete. If you are a current member of MP then the camp is for you, but I would say if you are newer to the bike, then you should treat camp as a goal and raise your fitness so you can get the most out of the experience.

Please remember that rides are in the Victorian alps and involve long hills so consider that when you are training over the next months. A general guide for your fitness is listed below;

  1. You must be able to ride a minimum of 3 hrs at a comfortable pace on an undulating terrain.
  2. You should be able to run 5-10km comfortably

We will have 3 main groups at Camp, to cater to our cool cats, all the way up to the strongest of the strong.

Bright has a number of crazy tough climbs, but the difference will be that the stronger riders will just do more of them, and the cool cats will have more of a mix between the flatter rides and the big challenging climbs.

From my personal experience the climbs on this camp are challenging, but very doable, there are no super steep climbs, but they are LONG!!! We are talking 4-5 climbs that are like 20-30k in length!

And the plan of the camp is controlled overload, so the objective will be to load you up so at the end of the camp you can hit all the targeted.

A few of the climbs below:

The camp includes accomodation and all meals. the camp is fully supported by myself, Tony, in addition to car support staff and bike mechanic, Computa from Happy Wheels.

Registration for the camp is through the MP App.

If you have Friends/Family wanting too attend the camp then I am happy for them to use this code. If anyone wants to come for Accom and Food only (Non Training), please reach out as we will have a Discount code available for these people.

Instalment plan available

You have the option to pay for the camp in 1, 2, 3 or 4 monthly payments at not extra costs*.

* Depending on when you sign up, you can split the payments, with balance due before camp arrival.

For more information, please contact us.

What our members say



Training Camp