

Exercise smarter. Feel better. Live longer.

Cycling with Moore Performance caters for a wide range of abilities, with our primary focus on safety, fun and performance. We utilise many popular routes around Sydneyโ€™s east and Centennial Park in addition to longer rides north and south bound. We strive to get a balance between individual tailored sessions and group rides to keep things fun.


Weekly Timetable

Whether you are just starting out, race competitively, training for triathlon or just love cycling. From Tuesdays through to Sundays Moore Performance has ride options to cater for your ability.

Weekday Rides

Usually around 70-80 minutes long, with some people tagging on a few extra kmโ€™s after the session. These are held either in Centennial Park, or around the roads of the Eastern Suburbs. It is important to have good working lights on your bike (for winter months) and that your bike is in good working order. Hybrid bikes are not allowed in the squad rides.

Saturday Rides

5:45am โ€“ Robertson Road Gates, Centennial Park. This is a chance to โ€œRelease the weekend warriorโ€ as they tend to be longer in duration than weekday rides. Riders are typically split into 4 groups, based upon ability and experience: Race, Pace, Chase, and Development Squad.

Sunday Rides

Sunday rides vary from week to week with details provided to members through our weekly training newsletter.

Please Note: Generally new riders will not start on a weekend ride, unless their experience and fitness ability is already established. You must attend either the Tuesday or Thursday ride to be assessed by a Moore Performance coach. This will ensure you meet the minimum safety requirements.

What our members say


The Rides

Squad Programs


By Moore Performance

There will be a pre selected โ€˜Ride Captainโ€™ on the squad rides. The designated โ€˜Ride Captainโ€™ is in charge of the ride and people must respect the Captainโ€™s calls. Their number one focus is to make sure that the ride is as safe as possible. Generally the Ride Captain will sit on the back of the group and make calls from there. However may sometimes control the group from the front.

Generally there will be a short ride briefing before the ride rolls out. It is important that riders turn up a couple of minutes early and be ready to listen to the ride brief so we can roll out on time. Rides will vary session to session so it is important to listen to the brief.

Safety is very important to us at Moore Performance, so for this reason we will ride in โ€œpacedโ€ based groups or break down to event focused groups to ensure that people riding within their ability and doing the correct rides towards their goals.

If the group leaving the meeting point isnโ€™t too big, then all groups may roll out together, but then we split into sub groups at a given point e.g. after the Airport Tunnel.

Our rides out of the park start at a nice steady (Endurance) pace which is relative to the group and speed generally will increase through the ride. Depending on how the ride is going, the ride Captain may have to make โ€˜on the spotโ€™ changes to original plan.

โ€œWe leave no man behindโ€ Meaning, if you have a flat, have a bad day or have an accident, you wonโ€™t be left alone. Similarly, when someone in your pack has a problem, donโ€™t ride off and leave them.

There are many different ways to ride within a pack, and groups are generally organised in either single file or two-by-two. The peleton take turns (called โ€œpullsโ€) at the front before peeling off to the side and re-joining the group at the rear. By doing this, the peloton cuts efficiently through wind and stays together in a predictable pack.


The Ride Captain will decide which method and frequency of rolling the pack will use. It maybe that the pack will use different methods during one ride due to either safety, road conditions and/or training specific reasons.

We may at times operate a โ€œgateโ€ system, which the ride captain will confirm during the ride. The Riders in the โ€œgateโ€ are generally the stronger riders within that group and they take turns on the front, while riders behind the gate will benefit from being towed along for the ride. The gate may be used for the entirety or part of the ride, but it will give the slightly slower riders the opportunity to push right to the end of the session.


Bike Rides


  • DO wear a helmet.
  • DO carry appropriate front and rear lights. (Lights set to solid (not Flashing) while in a pack.
  • DO ensure your bike is in good mechanical order.
  • DO ride 2 abreast maximum.
  • DO be alert to your surroundings and keep your head and eyes up.
  • DO carry ID with you and emergency contact information.
  • Do wear Moore Performance Team Jersey while riding with the group.
  • DONโ€™T โ€œhalf-wheelโ€ or overlap the person riding beside you, as this will potentially result in others behind you doing the same thing. A very common cause of crashes.
  • DONโ€™T wear earphones.
  • DONโ€™T use aero-bars when bunch riding โ€“ you simply canโ€™t get to your brakes fast enough.
  • DONโ€™T swarm around cars when approaching an intersection โ€“ think of the bunch as a single vehicle.
  • DONโ€™T leave a big gap to the rider in front โ€“ you will use more energy and possibly force your partner to get into a half-wheeling situation.

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